About Me

Hi there, I’m so glad to have you here! I’m Lyndsey…pediatric Occupational Therapist Assistant by day, Blogger/Entrepreneur by night, and “Mom” around the clock.

In 2012, just 6 short months after the birth of my sweet baby boy, I found myself in the middle of an ugly divorce….unemployed….lost….broke….a single mom. I remember feeling so completely overwhelmed by it all, wondering how in the world I would ever be able to do all of this alone. This wasn’t part of the plan, and what the heck am I supposed to do now?!

So, I did what any good Momma does. I pushed forward. I went back to school to pursue a second degree, made a pretty drastic career change and started working. I did everything in my power to provide the best life for my son and be the best mom I could possibly be.

It hasn’t always been easy. Let’s just be honest, sometimes being a single mom is just downright HARD. But, we single Mommas don’t give up that easily….we just keep on keeping on.

It took a little while to get my life back on track and figure out how to make everything work with just the two of us. But 7 years of single mommin later, and I’m proud to say that I’ve done it! I am happy, successful, and feeling stronger than ever before in my life.

So that’s what lead me here…to you. No matter where you are on this single mom journey, I am here to tell you that no matter how difficult it may seem, you can get through this. You will survive, you will thrive, and you will come out stronger on the other side. And I can’t wait to help you on your journey!

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